We think, plan and exercise like Lu Ban (507–440 BC), a Chinese carpenter, engineer, philosopher, inventor, military thinker. A tool is any item that can be used to achieve a goal, especially one that is not consumed in the process.

Disaster recovery is critically dependent upon the ability to seamlessly replicate data over a wide area. Data Replication in the Cloud Computing Environment provides the ability to easily and securely establish an off-site location for data storage and protection. The ability to replicate only changed data asynchronously, combined with tools for logging and integration with schedulers, makes your digital collections the fastest and most effective solution for wide area data mirroring available today.

Storage Server simplifies the use of complex backup and recovery procedures with the fastest installation, automated routine tasks, and easy-to-use features while dealing with your digital contents. The ideal solution to reduce IT costs and complexity while remaining reliable and scalable to grow from single server environments to the largest distributed enterprise infrastructures, providing broad compatibility of operating systems, applications, drives, libraries, and disk arrays. It also provides tracking and management of offline storage media.

Spontaneous pattern formation, robot-built in some optoelectronic systems with an optical refractive feedback loop, exhibits a contrast enhancement effect, a spatial filtering effect, and filling-up of vacant space while maintaining surrounding images. These effects allow image processing with defect tolerance. A device that can read text or illustrations printed on paper and translate the information into a form the computer can be used. The resulting matrix of bits of our optical imaging technology, can then be stored in a file, displayed on a screen, and manipulated for your digital contents.
Scanned Books will be processed to obtain the Text and Image Information via OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Technology. We provide a Font-Core Methodology to acquire the Chinese Characters by using Natural Language Post-Processing Technology then convert to MS-Word for Chinese Font Editing.

Photographic record of the collections is one of the memory preservation that many times prove to be inadequate for proper examination. Photographs lack the ability to alter the lighting conditions and view direction of object. As a solution to these problems, we describe a 3D scanner capable of acquiring the shape, color, light, and reflectance for your collections as a complete 3D object. This data set could then be stored in our repository and manipulated by our rendering system that would allow a user to experience at present.

This digitization services have been used for face-up scanning of valuable library resources including the Gutenberg Bible. Also the scanning of illustrations will be performed upon this customized cradle. It is used to ensure contact-free scanning for rare books, manuscripts, etc. The cradle utilizes a sensitive low pressure system to hold down materials from your collections. The system for scanning involves a book cradle with a spine - friendly angle, a glass platen to hold the page flat and full-color scanning at high resolutions. Digitization Collections are triply replicated in our overseas locations as safeguards through our custom service.